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Post-Flop Poker Board Assessment Strategy

Post-flop poker play is decisive on the flop result. Flopped cards should make our hand stronger to play or too weak that we'd rather fold. Second, hand texture should make us aware of what we and the opponent have through a good read of the community board. Then we're ready to conclude post-flop.

For instance we have superb flopped high cards from a board that could turn into a flush, straight, or full house, our best option is to check to stir some players to bet into us. However, if no one does that, we should try to place a bet that is half of what the pot has on the turn. If the flop derived a second best hand for us and the board has at least some 10 cards on it, we should place a bet equal to the size of the pot. Our opponent seems more likely to get a draw so we bet this big to discourage players to call.

There may yet be players who will stubbornly call with flush and straight draws, but as the play continues post-flop their hands won't make it against our hand. So the rule here is to bet big to make them put in more chips as they go after their draw. But, say, we flop a very strong hand—say, a straight hand and there's no possibility left on the board for flush cards—we bet half the amount of the pot and wait for someone to call. This is also possible with a flopped ace high flush.

Many players are likely to check here because they think a player will dare bluff with a bet. But we bet our hand to gain value. Sharp players will easily notice if we check our big hand and bet on our draws, and get the better of us. But betting aggressively will make hand-reading us difficult for anyone of them. If what we derive from the flop is a high hand but the flop is uncoordinated—meaning, no way to make flushes or straights—we place a bet that is equal to half of what the pot has.

At this point of the game it is important to note that many tend to play aggressively here for fear of being outdrawn by someone else. If we bet larger than half, several players might opt out and diminish the pot potential.

A combined flop and post-flop board consideration will increase our odds of winning the pot in the end.
